
The estimated delivery time depends on the country. As soon as your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number.
Please be aware that delivery times might be affected during the holidays and sale periods.

Deliveries within the southwest Nigeria

1 -2 working days (during non-sale periods)

Deliveries to other states in Nigeria

2 -4 working days (during non-sale periods)

Shipping Errors or Damaged Products

We are committed to selling only high-quality products. To that end, we employ several quality checks before a product is shipped. If you have received a wrong or damaged product, please contact us within 24 hours of receiving the order to be eligible for a free exchange with a new, similar product or refund. In the case of a refund, we will be able to issue your full refund within 72 hours of us receiving the wrong or damaged product, as per our Shipping Policy.